Flyline Search Marketing®

Premium Hosting Package

Flyline Search Marketing® offers a premium hosting solution that is perfect for most small to medium sized business owners. Our host platform is affordable and provides guaranteed 99.9% up-time. Host clients enjoy excellent performance, security and have the security of knowing our staff is here to assist when problems arise. Our servers are perfect for hosting WordPress, Joomla, CSS or PHP based sites you may want to host with us. Enjoy faster load times and superior performance.

Most of the clients we build websites for utilize this hosting package. For a more complete list of features included in our premium package, see the list shown below.

$49 Monthly

Features Include:

> Hosting On Linux Server

> Full Cpanel Access

> 20 Webmail Accounts & Assistance Provided With Set-up

> Regular Website File Back-up

> Upto 10 Subdomains

> Upto 5 Parked Domains

We Build Affordable, Fully Responsive Websites

> Upto 5 Ftp Accounts

> 2 SQL Databases

> mySQL Database Set-up Wizard

> IP Visitor Log and IP Deny Capability

> Advanced DNS Zone Editor

> AWstats and Webalizer Stats

*Additional service features available by request

To Begin Purchase Of Website Hosting Plan Click Here